Best Time To Upload YouTube Videos In 2023

Best Time To Upload YouTube Videos In 2023

YouTube is one of the most popular platforms to upload videos and connect with your audience. YouTube has over 2 billion active users, so it’s important for creators to optimize their content and upload their videos at the best possible time to ensure maximum engagement.

The first step in determining when to upload your videos is defining your target audience. The location and time zone of your audience will play a major part in when to upload your videos. If your audience is located mainly in India then you have to find out peak viewing hours in India. If your audience is spread across multiple time zones then you have to figure out the best time to reach the majority of your viewers.

Peak viewing hours on YouTube are generally between 2 pm to 6 pm on weekdays and on weekends from 9 am to 11 am, during these times there is less competition and viewers are much more likely to watch your videos as they have fewer distractions. Consider uploading your videos during the early morning or late evening.

Another major factor is which day is best to upload your videos because many people prefer watching videos on weekends as they have more free time. Viewership is at its peak on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. If your targeted audience is professional then consider uploading it on weekdays as they are on their desks and much more likely to watch videos.

It’s important to stay consistent with your upload schedule. Your viewers are much more likely to watch your videos if they know when to expect them. Whether your schedule is twice a week or twice a month, stick to it. This will also help you build a loyal audience and are much more likely to share it with their friends.

You should also consider the time of the Year, apart from the time of the day and the day of the week. During holidays, viewership may be lower as people are more likely to be traveling or spending time with their families. On the other hand, viewership may increase in the summer months as people have more free time and are looking for things to do.

It is also important to keep track of your analytics and metrics to determine the best time for posting your videos. YouTube provides data for analytics and metrics including viewer engagement, demographics, and watch time. Using this information will help you analyze your viewership pattern and determine the best time for posting your videos.

Other than that, it’s important to create engaging content which will keep your viewers coming back for more. If your content is not interesting or engaging, viewers will lose interest even if you upload your videos at the best time possible. Make sure your video are well-engaged, informative, and entertaining which will keep your viewers engaged and interactive. You must also optimize your videos for visibility. 

Some of the best practices for YouTube SEO are:            

  • Include targeted keywords in your video titles and descriptions.
  • Mention keywords in your videos.
  • User engagement (Likes, Comments, Views)
  • Use categories for your videos
  • Use tags in your videos to give YouTube more context about your content.


In Conclusion, Knowing the best time to upload your videos on YouTube can be crucial for your channel’s success. YouTube has over 2 billion active users, and numbers keep increasing every day, as a number of users are high as well as competition also.

However, there is no exact time to time to upload your YouTube videos, it depends on certain factors such as niche, audience demographics, and location. It’s important to experiment with different schedules and analyze the metrics to find the best time to upload your videos. Weekday afternoons and evenings, especially Thursdays and Fridays, tend to be high-traffic periods. Uploading your videos a few hours before engagement peak hours can also be beneficial. 

When planning your upload schedule you should also consider factors like seasonality, time zones, and holiday schedules. During summer months due to school breaks and vacation plans, viewership patterns may differ.

Ultimately, the most critical factor in determining your upload schedule is your audience. While making content and scheduling uploads you must also keep your audience preferences in mind. Engage with your viewers through comments, polls, and surveys to understand their preferences better.

In conclusion, there is no one answer to the best time to upload YouTube videos in 2023. You can develop an effective and personalized schedule for your channel and audience by using tips and tactics discussed in this article.


Q1. What is the best time to post a video on YouTube in 2023?

Based on all data collected the best time to post videos on YouTube is between 2 to 4 pm (EST) on weekdays and between 9 to 11 am (EST) on weekends.

Q2. How many YouTube videos should I upload a week?

If you are starting up or trying to build your target audience it is recommended to post 3 or more times per week.

Q3. What are the slowest months for YouTube?

The worst month to post on YouTube is May and September, because the majority of YouTube users are either starting or finishing school, sports seasons, on vacation, or busy doing outdoor activities.

Q4. Which YouTube channel grows faster?

The product reviews channel grows fastest as it attracts a lot of new subscribers who otherwise might not have found your channel.

Q5. What time do most Youtubers post?

According to YouTube statistics, uploading videos are most effective on Sundays between 8 am to 11 am, or after 5 pm. The days with the most engagement are Fridays to Sundays.

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