YouTube Quiz Feature: A New YouTube Community Feature Is About To Begin

YouTube Quiz Feature: A New YouTube Community Feature Is About To Begin

Since the ever-growing competition among digital platforms, YouTube always strives to bring new updates that could go well with the creators and the users. Nowadays, YouTube is experimenting with its latest feature, which is regarding a quiz. Creators can add quizzes regarding different topics in their community post. This feature is only available to those creators who have at least 500 subscribers. It has been observed that this particular feature is only available to a handful of creators as the experiment is still going on. If YouTube will find the expected results then it will soon become a permanent feature for all the creators of YouTube.

What makes this feature a viable choice?

Quiz has always been an area of interest for people as this ignites ecstasy and curiosity in people to answer the question and to further check the accuracy of their answer. So, YouTube has indeed taken a great initiative to engage creators and users on their platform.

This step by YouTube is a great deal of competition for other platforms as well. The quiz feature will benefit the educational channels the most as the subscribers can get an idea about their level of progress and understanding regarding their subject or any particular topic and this particular strategy would help the creators of the education channel to gain more subscribers as learning is fun with quizzes.

Some more experiments were done by YouTube this year

Photo editing tool 

YouTube is providing a photo editing tool for creators. Creators can now edit a photo of their community post before posting creators having at least 500 subscribers can use this feature on their channel. A creator can include text, Gifs, photos, and videos in their community posts. This option is now available on ios devices as well after being tested on android. This major rollout seems promising shortly as such a tool will only make the post more eye-catching and interesting.

Zoom in feature 

YouTube has done its experiment on the feature of zooming in on videos., which can be done both in portrait and landscape view. This enables the user to enjoy the video even more closely. This started with an experiment and later on, it was officially added as a feature as user feedback was positive towards this approach.

This feature lets the user adjust the video as per their preference which is undoubtedly a great option for every YouTube user. This service is available on ios and android

Promotion Tab

YouTube tested a feature of the Promotion tab. In this, a creator can easily promote their channel and won’t need to promote it through Google Ads Manager.

This feature was a way to gain more ad revenue. Just like other experiments, this particular feature was only visible to a few creators on YouTube.

Shopping on YouTube Shorts

YouTube is testing the feature of shopping. This feature can be found on shorts, where users can also purchase products while they scroll through shorts. The option to sell products is available to eligible creators in the United States and viewers in Australia, Brazil, India, the United States, and Canada can buy the product. Shortly, YouTube will expand this experiment to other countries as well.

Earlier, YouTube also provided the option to shop from the live streams hosted by creators and now YouTube has only stepped up its feature that will give more options to the users to explore and shop. This is also a great move in terms of competition with other social platforms.

Smart Reply

In the previous year, YouTube introduced the feature of comment translation through Google Translation Integration and this feature got popular so it was added to Studio Mobile as well now the feature of smart reply is added as an experiment along with it, where a creator can get the comment suggestions so that they can use this options in such situation when they can’t frame the required response to the comment.

This experimental feature has been available to a few users only, but now it is available to all the creators.

Why is YouTube experimenting with new features?

YouTube is coming up with new experiments, so that the likes and preferences of the users can be evaluated and through which YouTube can decide whether to make a feature permanent or to remove it from the platform if it creates a hindrance or dissatisfaction among the users in any way. Another motive is to give tough competition to other social platforms so that the platform can continue to give the best services to the users which will continue to retain and increase the engagement of users. Although all of the features are introduced based on the user’s requirement so the chances of any inconvenience are less.


YouTube is one of the most popular platforms and it has gained 30% revenue in the past 4 years. At present, YouTube is competing against other popular platforms like Instagram and Twitter. YouTube is consistently working on giving even better services each day by introducing its experimental features. This makes YouTube one of the best platforms as the platform provides a wide range of options to its users, which are based on the requirements of the users and this leads to more engagement and popularity.

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