How To Earn Revenue From Youtube Ads

How To Earn Revenue From Youtube Ads

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Youtube is a well-known online video sharing platform which has users from across the globe where you can create, share, like and subscribe to video content accordingly. But it does not end with this, youtube provides many other facilities to their users to explore and grow their channel and youtube advertising is one of them.

Youtube advertising is regulated and run by youtube’s parent organisation google. It is through google ads that you can advertise your video content via ads which appear in two major ways, firstly, it can be played before a user starts watching another channel’s video and secondly, it can appear in the search results for viewers to watch it in full.

Almost everyone is familiar with youtube ads and how does it appear with a number of 4 billion viewers every day you can really boost your channel’s growth. So, youtube advertising is overall a great facility provided for their users to build views and enhance their youtube channel.

Along with this facility, you should be aware of why is it effective and what are the benefits of youtube advertising. There are many contributing factors to this and the following are some reasons why youtube is an effective marketing tool.

  • Generous viewers
  • Huge target audience
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
  • Cost-effective
  • Analytical reports
  • More interactive

How to earn from youtube ads?

When you create and upload videos on youtube you definitely aim for a good response in terms of views, likes, shares and money but it does not happen just by having the required subscribers and watch time. You can escalate your youtube monetization in several ways and hacks which will help your channel grow. There are a few tricks which can boost your monetization so try the following tips so that you can use them to your advantage. 

1. Associate in the youtube partner program

The youtube partner program (YPP) stands on four ground rules and if successfully accomplish all these four rules then you will definitely see a positive impact on your revenue. Firstly, your youtube channel should have 1000 subscribers at least. You need to have a count of 1000 viewers who has subscribed to your channel and maintain that number so that it benefits you. Secondly, all your videos that have been uploaded in the duration of the last year should produce 4000 hours of watch time. Thirdly, you should never violate any of the youtube guidelines or breach any of its policies. Your channel should work within the boundaries and lines created by youtube rules. Lastly, your account should include the set-up of an Adsense account.

2. Use affiliation links

When you promote an affiliate link through your channel it can benefit in making strong connections and you will get a commission whenever your viewers go to check out the affiliated product you have mentioned in your video. Affiliation links are best for the videos which are either a tutorial or a review about a specific product.Mention the links in the description box of your channel and do not forget to inform your viewers about your affiliation with the product as that will avoid any chances of misinterpretation or fake promotion.

3. Expertise in Youtube SEO

Youtube is a product of Google and which is why has many similarities in the functionality of the search engine optimization and the algorithm. You need to have expertise in youtube SEO and possess a great understanding of youtube’s algorithm that can work in your favour.

Good SEO will result in escalating your visibility on the result page, more views, more subscribers and maximised shares. Therefore, if you are a creator on youtube it is essential to understand the basics of SEO in order to boost your monetization.

4. Sponsored content

This is also a form of affiliate marketing but has few functional changes. You will get paid by youtube through landing brand deals as it works like whenever any company is targeting the type of audience you have they will run a sponsorship for your video or can offer a product placement deal and you make a shoutout for their product/service in revert.

This method is suitable for established channels that have been working for years and have a certain list of subscribers that companies might want.


There are many ways to earn revenue from youtube ads and obtain the best out of it. When you follow these steps or participate in these programs you will start getting monetized from youtube ads.

You need to know these details beforehand. These are tools which are already available you just need awareness about how you can make them work in your favour.

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